Train outdoors among thousand-year-old olive trees and the sea on the horizon. A dream? We believe in dreams and for this reason we have chosen to create our fitness area surrounded by the enchantment of Nature.
A dream?

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Train outdoors among thousand-year-old olive trees and the sea on the horizon. A dream? We believe in dreams and for this reason we have chosen to create our fitness area surrounded by the enchantment of Nature.
Venti5, cento, mille
We pick all our olives directly from the Masseria land in order to make olive oil.
Primi Passi Susumaniello
From the ancient Susumaniello grape in the Masseria vineyard we produce a wine with a unique character.
The freshness of the produce allows us to avoid adding preservatives and chemical colourings.
GPS: 40° 48′ 36.52″ N – 17° 26′ 03.46″ E
C.da Bicocca (Via delle Croci), n° 8
72010 Pezze di Greco (Brindisi) ITALY
P.Iva 02288840743 -C.F. MNTGLN80H16D508Z
mobile + 39 338 777 41 82
fax +39 080 489 60 37